Douglas Klein with Anne Hightower, Mamie Moy, and past ACS President, H. N. Cheng.
On Saturday, October 7th, at the Junior League of Houston, the ACS Greater Houston Section honored members who have received local, regional and national ACS awards. We honored Mamie Moy for the National Award for Volunteer Service to the American Chemical Society and Phoenix Wu, Viraj Negandhi, and Anant Asthana as finalists in the 2023 Chemistry Olympiad. Cindy Welch was unable to attend but will receive the Southwest Region High School Teaching Award in Oklahoma City at the Southwest Regional Meeting in November. We were also honored to have in attendance 50-year member Bob Botto and 60-year ACS members Steve Roman and George Ransford. At the local level, we honored Safia Mohamed as the 2023 GHS Outreach Volunteer of the Year. Julian G. West received the Younger Chemist Award, John Jamerlan received the Excellence in High School Teaching Award, Eduvigis Marrero received the Two Year College Teaching Award, Amber Hinkle received the Mamie W. Moy Distinguished Service Award, and Douglas Klein received the Joe W. Hightower Award. As the Hightower winner, Dr. Klein gave a short talk called “My Life in Chemistry”. Thank you for all who attended in-person and online.