Greater Houston Section


Mamie W. Moy Distinguished Service Award


Amber Hinkle, Covestro

Award Criteria

Purpose: This award was established in 2019 by the Greater Houston Section to recognize demonstrated, dedicated, unselfish leadership, service and significant contributions over a sustained period of time, to the chemical enterprise and to the American Chemical Society at local, regional and national levels. The award was named in honor of Mamie W. Moy, who has been a dedicated ACS volunteer for her entire professional career. 

Nature: The award consists of a plaque and an Honorarium presented at the ACS-GHS Fall Awards Banquet.

Rules of Eligibility: This award is limited to individuals who have have been active members of the Greater Houston Section for at least 10 years and who have had, in the opinion of the selection committee, a significant and continued impact on local section, Regional and National activities including participation in outreach, education, programming, strategic planning, membership/volunteer recruitment, communications/technology, leadership or any combination of all these over an extended period of time. The award is granted without regard to age, sex, or nationality. In addition, no one has served in any of the following offices in the award year or two prior years is eligible: Chair, Past Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary or Treasurer.

    Required Nomination Components:

    • Nomination letter, not exceeding two pages;
    • 1-2 seconding letters; and
    • A curriculum vitae or resume, not exceeding two pages, that includes a list of the nominee’s honors, professional activities, and additional evidence of service. 


    Weight (%)

    Alignment: The degree to which the nomination aligns with the Award's purpose, eligibility, and/or criteria


    Benefit: The degree to which the nominee’s activities do or will benefit society


    Service: The degree to which this work does or will support the ACS goals and serves the scientific community


    Impact: On local section, Regional and National activities including participation in outreach, education, programming, strategic planning, membership/volunteer recruitment, communications/technology, leadership or any combination of all these over an extended period of time.


    Please direct all inquiries and submit all nomination packets by September 10, 2024 at

    Past Winners

    2022 - Ann Cartwright, San Jacinto College (Retired)

    2021 - Bob Botto, Retired

    2020 - Sunny Tang, Retired

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