Greater Houston Section


Two Year College Award


Christine Miller, Lee College

Award Criteria

Purpose: To provide recognition for meritorious performance in the teaching of chemistry in a two year college.  The Greater Houston Section of the ACS which includes Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Hardin, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and Walker counties.

Nature: The award consists of a plaque and an Honorarium presented at the ACS-GHS Fall Awards Banquet.

Rules of Eligibility: The nominee must be actively engaged in the teaching of chemistry or a chemical science in a two year college within the territory of the ACS-GHS. The nomination should clearly demonstrate as many of the following attributes as possible:

  • The quality of the nominee’s teaching; unusually effective methods of presentation should be emphasized;
  • The nominee’s ability to challenge and inspire students;
  • Extracurricular work in chemistry or a chemical science by the nominee, including science fairs, science clubs, and activities that stimulate the interest of young people in chemistry and related sciences;
  • A willingness to keep up-to-date in the field, as evidenced by the pursuit of a higher degree in chemistry or a chemical science, enrollment in refresher courses and summer institutes, regular attendance at scientific meetings, membership in professional organizations, and other means of self-improvement (since some members of the evaluating committee may not be directly involved in education, it would be helpful to explain the significance of any courses, institutions etc. where this is not obvious.).

Required Nomination Components:

  • Nomination letter, not exceeding two pages;
  • 1-2 seconding letters; and
  • A curriculum vitae or resume, not exceeding two pages, that includes a list of the nominee’s honors, professional activities, and additional evidence of service to the profession. 


Weight (%)

Evidence of the quality of the nominee’s teaching; unusually effective methods


Evidence of inspiring and challenging students


Evidence of extracurricular work within the last five years


Evidence of self-improvement in profession within the last five years


Evidence of active involvement in profession within the last five years


Please direct all inquiries and submit all nomination packets by September 10, 2024 at

Past Award Winners

2023 - Eduvigis Marrero, Lone Star College

2022 - Ana Sanchez, Galveston College

2021 - Jose Nuñez, San Jacinto College

2020 - Laimutis Bytautas, Galveston College

2019 - Christopher Wild, San Jacinto College

2018 - Elisabeth Harthcock, San Jacinto College

2017 -  Rachel Garcia, San Jacinto College

2016 - Bhavna Rawall, Houston Community College

2015 - Joanne Lin, Houston Community College

2014 - Dolores Aquino, San Jacinto College

2013 - L. Lourella Cruz, Lone Star College, Cy-Fair

2012 - Jean C. Wileyman, Lone Star College

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