Greater Houston Section

Women in Chemistry Networking Breakfast

14 Feb 2019 10:25 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)
The ACS Greater Houston Section organized a breakfast at the University of St. Thomas on February 12th to celebrate "Women in Chemistry" as part of the IUPAC 100th Anniversary Global Breakfast event which took place all over the world on that day.

The Global Women’s Breakfast aims to assist women chemists to expand their network of contacts, both locally and internationally. During the breakfast, women of different horizons interacted and shared their experience with one another and discussed the challenges that women still face today at work. GHS Women Chemists Committee (WCC) Chair Valerie Lafitte welcomed 10 participants to the Houston event, with attendees representing undergraduate and graduate students, academia and industry. This was a successful event, and the ACS-GHS was very pleased to be part of this unique worldwide initiative.

See how other groups around the world celebrated at IUPAC's Global Breakfast page.

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