Greater Houston Section


Younger Chemists Committee

2023-2024 Co-Chairs: Stephanie Daifuku & Robert Gonzales

Who are we?

The Younger Chemists Committee (YCC) advocates for and provides resources to early-career chemists and professionals in the chemical sciences and related fields.

The YCC addresses specific issues facing younger chemists within the ACS and serves as a voice to the Society on behalf of younger chemists.

Learn more about the YCC here.

Interested in becoming a member of the Greater Houston YCC?

Becoming a member is easy! Do you meet the criteria below? Then send us an email with your name, employer or organization and contact info.
Click here to email us!


  1. You are a member of the American Chemical Society.
  2. You are under the age of 35.
  3. You currently work or reside in the Greater Houston Area.
  4. You are interested in chemistry and/or have a career pertaining to a chemical-related field.

Not yet a member of the American Chemical Society?

There are many personal and professional benefits to becoming a member. Please feel free to check out all the benefits that becoming a member can offer here.

Sign Me Up!

Upcoming Events

Thanks for another great year!

A huge thank you to those who attended past events! 

As this is a virtual event, we are not limited to our geographical location and are collaborating with other local sections and committees in the ACS community to cast a wide net for mentors and mentees.

FREE ACS Resources to Improve Your Work

Stay up to date with the latest scientific research, applications and technology with C&EN Webinars.

ChemRxiv: The Preprint Server for Chemistry

ICYMI: Software makes hand-drawn chemical structures machine readable.

Download the Chemistry News by C&EN mobile app to stay abreast of the latest news in Chemistry.

ACS-GHS Younger Chemist Award

Social Media

Email us at

Follow us on Twitter @ACSHoustonYCC

Chemistry Corner

Vial glow, and catalyst bubble

Space-filling invaders

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