L to R: Frank Blum, Cheryl Frech, Lloyd Bumm, and SWRM Board Chair Ruthanne Hathaway
The ACS Southwest Regional Meeting (SWRM) was held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on November 15-18. The meeting was sponsored by the Oklahoma Local Section of the ACS where the theme was "Chemistry Energized". The energy was evident in the more than 1000 attendees who gathered to speak and/or hear about recent advances in chemistry and chemistry-related fields developed in partnership with local sections and technical divisions, including special symposia on Lessons and Inspirations from the History of Chemistry, Best Practices for Small Chemical Businesses, and Innovative Ways to Convey the Value of Chemistry to the Public. Special events included the Senior Chemists Breakfast and Lecture, Women Chemists Breakfast and Lecture, and the SWRM Awards Dinner where Cindy Welch of the Greater Houston Section and Kingwood High School received the 2023 ACS Division of Chemical Education SW Region Award for Excellence in High School Teaching. Congratulations to General Chairs, Cheryl Frech and Lloyd Bumm, and Program Chair Frank Blum for organizing an exceptional regional meeting!

Stephen Prilliman presenting the SWRM Teaching Award to Cindy Welch