Greater Houston Section

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  • 24 Mar 2019 9:51 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)

    Clockwise from top left: A full house at the MFAH; Dr. David Bomford chats with GHS member Dave Singleton at the post-lecture reception; Dr. Bomford receives a chromium element tile from GHS Chair Elect Dr. Crystal Young; Dr. Mamie Moy from the GHS Board thanks Margaret Mimms from the MFAH for organizing the Van Gogh lecture.

    "Paintings fade like flowers." Dr. David Bomford's lecture on the materials and techniques Van Gogh used in his art was delivered to a full lecture hall at the MFAH on March 23rd. Van Gogh chose his materials knowing that certain pigments would fade over time, but Dr. Bomford showed how conservation science is providing insight into what Van Gogh's paintings looked like in their prime, and how analytical techniques like spectroscopy are being used to shed new light on Van Gogh's working methods. The lecture was followed by a small reception in the Museum Cafe.

    The ACS-GHS is grateful for the opportunity to share Dr. Bomford's experiences with our members and the community, and wishes him well as he retires from the MFAH at the end of March. Special thanks to Margaret Mimms at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, for partnering with the ACS-GHS and organizing this special lecture and reception.

    If you have a suggested Member or Event Spotlight, please contact us at
  • 27 Feb 2019 11:53 AM | ACS GHS (Administrator)

    HBU celebrates the periodic table with the ACS Program in a Box

    One-hundred and fifty years ago, Dmitri Mendeleev first presented his periodic system to the Russian Chemical Society, forever shaping the way we look at the elements. His system, which organized the elements based on atomic weight, valence, and measurable properties, laid the foundation for today’s Periodic Table. In honor of this, The United Nations has declared 2019 to be the International Year of the Periodic Table.

    Hundreds of groups from around the U.S. and the globe celebrated of one of chemistry’s greatest achievements, including local groups at the University of St. Thomas and Houston Baptist University (shown above).

  • 25 Feb 2019 6:57 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)

    "It's a lot of work to make a new product, and if you can do anything to make that faster it's a great opportunity for companies to make money." - Dr. Paige Marie Morse, Feb 25, 2019.

    Find out how big data can improve the efficiency of product development and is changing the chemicals industry in our February seminar!

  • 14 Feb 2019 10:25 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)
    The ACS Greater Houston Section organized a breakfast at the University of St. Thomas on February 12th to celebrate "Women in Chemistry" as part of the IUPAC 100th Anniversary Global Breakfast event which took place all over the world on that day.

    The Global Women’s Breakfast aims to assist women chemists to expand their network of contacts, both locally and internationally. During the breakfast, women of different horizons interacted and shared their experience with one another and discussed the challenges that women still face today at work. GHS Women Chemists Committee (WCC) Chair Valerie Lafitte welcomed 10 participants to the Houston event, with attendees representing undergraduate and graduate students, academia and industry. This was a successful event, and the ACS-GHS was very pleased to be part of this unique worldwide initiative.

    See how other groups around the world celebrated at IUPAC's Global Breakfast page.

    If you have a suggested Member or Event Spotlight, please contact us at
  • 05 Feb 2019 1:36 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)

    The incongruity of the reviewers’ comments with the criteria that one thinks should govern the evaluation of a paper or proposal is what makes the cartoon funny. But, as is always true in Sidney Harris’s cartoons, there is another message under the surface:  Perhaps scientists should embrace the “broader audience” of their papers, or the “outreach” criteria of the granting agencies more openheartedly. Nothing in the nature of the world or the understanding of scientists would be damaged if humor and suspense were allowed to enter scientific papers. Gatekeepers relax!

    -- Roald Hoffmann, Cornell University

  • 27 Jan 2019 5:27 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)
    New year, new network! Professor Molenium and the ACS-GHS held a networking happy hour at Spring St. Beer and Wine Garden on Friday, January 25, 2019. Some good chemistry to warm up a brisk January evening.

  • 03 Aug 2018 11:32 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)

    Project Seed provides opportunities for students who historically lack exposure to scientific careers by allowing them to spend a summer conducting hands-on research with a scientist in academic, industry, and government research laboratories. Students receive a fellowship award and a chance to receive a Project SEED college scholarship.

    The 2018 program began on June 12 and culminated in a poster session and celebration on August 3. This year, we had 12 research fellows (pictured above) and 12 mentors including new mentors Dr. Andrew Barron, Dr. Venkata Pavan Raja Manuri, Dr. Dan Villalanti and Joy Cocchiara. The complete list can be found here. The ACS Project Seed program is celbrating its 50th anniversary and GHS is celebrating its 10th! Over the past 10 years, 48 mentors have have worked with 128 high school students. A complete list of participants, mentors and sponsors can be found here.

    If you have a suggested Member or Event Spotlight, please contact us at

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