Greater Houston Section

  • 05 May 2024 5:13 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)

    ACS Greater Houston Chapter had a successful time at the Discovery Green Earth Day in Downtown Houston! With over 400 visitors, we were able to share and demonstrate information on this year's theme of batteries. Visitors learned about how indispensable they are in our society and how they can accept energy from alternative energy sources such as such as solar, wind, and hydro power, then store it in chemical bonds. Huge shout out and thanks to University of St. Thomas ACS Student Chapter and Rice Fun with Chemistry for helping make this a phenomenal event!

  • 02 May 2024 6:37 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)

    This year, more than 300 students from 35 schools in Greater Houston participated in the Chemistry Olympiad local competition in March. Among the top section-wide performers, 13 students were nominated and joined the 3-part national competition held at the University of Houston on April 15.

    Mr. Anantshri Asthana from Dulles High School (who also participated in in the 2022 and 2023 UNSCO Study Camps) has just been selected among the top 20 finalists nationwide to enter the 2024 Study Camp. Anant, congratulations on your achievement!

    The Greater Houston Section continues having representation in the top 20 nationwide finalists since 2020. We are pleased to see rising students' great interest in chemical education. We welcome more high school students to take part in this annual event.

    We wish all the UNSCO attendees well as they participate in the Chemistry Olympiad Study Camp at the University of Maryland at College Park from June 3 - 15, 2024.

    For a full list of the top 20 finalists, see the ACS posting here.

  • 02 May 2024 5:53 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)

    The Greater Houston section kicked off its 2024 technical seminar series featuring local talent with ACS & PMSE Fellow, Dr. Jaime Grunlan of Texas A&M. Thank you to those who joined us for our first seminar. For those who missed it, a recording has been posted to our YouTube channel.

    We have an exceptional lineup of speakers this year and hope to see you at the next one!

  • 27 Mar 2024 3:32 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)

    The Greater Houston section was out in force at the ACS Spring Meeting in New Orleans! It's difficult to get everyone together for photos at a large conference, but hopefully you had a chance to meet with one of our local section representatives out and about, or stopped by to chat and pick up a sticker at the Sci-Mix poster event.

    GHS Board Members (left to right): David Germack (Councilor), Amber Hinkle (Councilor), Dawn Friesen (Alt. Councilor), Safia Mohamed (Chair)

    Didn't catch us at the conference? We're active year-round in the Greater Houston area so keep an eye on our website and social media accounts for upcoming virtual in and in-person events, as well as volunteer opportunities. Getting involved with your local section is a great way to meet chemists from all areas of science to build your personal and professional networks. We'd love to meet you!

  • 27 Mar 2024 3:06 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)

    The Greater Houston section participated in this year’s IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast event by holding a virtual networking and group discussion on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2024. The event was co-organized by the ACS Greater Houston Section, Stepan Company's Women's Networking and EMBRACE (Black employee) Resource Groups, and the Space City EWOC chapter. This year’s theme of “catalyzing diversity in science” was recognized by focusing on the benefits of diversity in science and sharing practical strategies to ensure that diverse voices and ideas are being heard in the scientific community.

    Participants were provided with a short list of resources highlighting the importance of hearing diverse voices both personally and as a good business practice prior to the event, as well as articles offering practical tips for amplifying diverse voices at work.

    A brief presentation on strategies to speak up and be heard was given by Dr. Dawn Friesen, (ACS-GHS Alternate Councilor) before the participants launched into a lively discussion of their experiences, including successes and challenges of speaking up for themselves and others in the workplace.

    GWB 2024 - Amplifying Diverse Voices Presentation

    Thanks to those who attended for engaging in conversation with us, and special thanks to our collaborating organizations for participating in an excellent event!

    Event Co-organizers:

    Stepan Company: Alexis Bender, Diana Dardugno, Parker Stockman (Women’s Networking Resource Group); Monica Brown and Andre Ceasar (EMBRACE [Black Employees] Resource Group)
    EWOC: Catherine Faler, Haley Brown

  • 27 Mar 2024 1:04 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)

    The Greater Houston Section is proud to recognize Dr. Ding-Shyue (Jerry) Yang, Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Houston, as our 2024 Outreach Volunteer of the Year!

    Jerry manages the National Chemistry Olympiad program in the Houston area.  Annually, he organizes and administers around 400 tests, which for a city the size of Houston is no small feat. He also administers the local awards on both a district-level and school-level to the top performers, and supports the students advancing to the International Chemistry Olympiad. In 2023, Jerry assisted during the special Student Awards and Project SEED Dinner (for the first time since COVID) to recognize students that participated in our various outreach programs including the Chemistry Olympiad.

    Learn more about other Outreach Volunteer of the Year award recipients here!

  • 01 Feb 2024 10:09 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)

    L to R: Falonne Moumbogno (Director), David Germack (Councilor), Obiageli Nwosu (Alternate Councilor)

    The Greater Houston section sent new and returning board members as delegates to the 2024 ACS Leadership Institute, an annual conference where ACS leaders come together to learn both management and leadership skills to enable their personal professional growth as ACS leaders. This year's event was held January 26th - 28th in Atlanta, GA. As a 2023 ChemLuminary Award winner, our section was also invited to present a poster describing our award winning activities.

    Pictured: Obiageli Nwosu with the GHS Activities Poster

  • 01 Feb 2024 9:52 PM | ACS GHS (Administrator)
    The ACS-GHS was proud to present a chemistry-based demonstration at San Jacinto College's annual STEM Expo event at San Jacinto College South campus on November 16, 2023. About 250 students participated in the event.

    Obiageli Nwosu coordinated the demonstration in collaboration with Hongyi Wang, as well as with the laboratory coordinator for San Jacinto College, and chemistry department Head Connie Gomez.

  • 03 Dec 2023 12:55 AM | ACS GHS (Administrator)

    L to R: Frank Blum, Cheryl Frech, Lloyd Bumm, and SWRM Board Chair Ruthanne Hathaway

    The ACS Southwest Regional Meeting (SWRM) was held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on November 15-18. The meeting was sponsored by the Oklahoma Local Section of the ACS where the theme was "Chemistry Energized". The energy was evident in the more than 1000 attendees who gathered to speak and/or hear about recent advances in chemistry and chemistry-related fields developed in partnership with local sections and technical divisions, including special symposia on Lessons and Inspirations from the History of Chemistry, Best Practices for Small Chemical Businesses, and Innovative Ways to Convey the Value of Chemistry to the Public. Special events included the Senior Chemists Breakfast and Lecture, Women Chemists Breakfast and Lecture, and the SWRM Awards Dinner where Cindy Welch of the Greater Houston Section and Kingwood High School received the 2023 ACS Division of Chemical Education SW Region Award for Excellence in High School Teaching. Congratulations to General Chairs, Cheryl Frech and Lloyd Bumm, and Program Chair Frank Blum for organizing an exceptional regional meeting!

    Stephen Prilliman presenting the SWRM Teaching Award to Cindy Welch

  • 03 Dec 2023 12:54 AM | ACS GHS (Administrator)

    Thanks to those who joined us for our Fall Science Cafe aGlassblowing Houston in Tomball on November 11, 2023. We hope that you enjoyed learning about glassblowing and creating unique pieces, viewing the beautiful works of art on display, and mingling with other members. The food was pretty tasty too! It was our pleasure hosting this event and hope that you will join us for future events. 

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